583 Park Avenue, New York City on Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The background of the name “The New York Flower Show” is short. HSNY was the initial and only sponsor/producer of a traditional flower show held for horticultural and educational purposes annually in New York City. It was HSNY’s predominant horticultural and education event, and over the years, it became recognized nationally. This year HSNY, as the proprietary owner, is using “The New York Flower Show” as part of the Gala’s name to infuse the original flower show’s competitive spirit into the Gala, which, today, is one of HSNY’s most important horticultural, educational and fundraising events.
In the most recent years, the Gala has featured 30 or more floral arrangers and designers, event planners, floral artists and other visual artists and designers who have donated their time and effort to create splendid tablescapes. Serving as the Gala’s “decoration” and functionally as the dining tables for the evening, the tablescapes were "for display only" and were not judged.
This year’s Gala will continue with the “tablescapes” concept. And calling upon its established pool of visual artists and designers, HSNY again will have 30 or more tablescapes that will be judged.
Judging will take place approximately from 1 P.M. until 3 P.M. For educational and publicity purposes, the floral competition will be open to the public and press from 3 P.M. until 5 P.M.